Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ways to be an Activist on the Road to Freedom.

Summer is upon us, and Summer is the perfect opportunity to take action. To live a life of freedom.

3 Simple Ways to Be an Activist during the Summer:

1. Pray.

Research a Country or even a state in the United States and find key ways to pray for that nation/state. A good resource for this is Exodus Cry, a nonprofit Christian network of Intercessors interceding before our LORD against Slavery. Join it!

If you feel so inclined open a Exodus Cry Chapter (basically an intercessory prayer group) For information about this click here.

2. Research.

Inform yourself about the issue. Read some books. I highly recommend Disposable People by Kevin Bales. Not for Sale by David Batstone is also a really good resource. If you want other books about Human Trafficking here is a list of books about Modern Day Slavery. (Disclaimer: I haven't read all of these)

Also another resource is the Trafficking in Persons report released by the United States Federal Government in 2008. If you want another resource close to home one that I suggest is Human Trafficking in California Final Report released in 2007 by the California Alliance to Combat Trafficking and Slavery Task Force.

Two other good websites are:
Rescue and Restore

3. Talk about it/Keep your eyes open/Raise Awareness

Talk with your neighbors, your friends, your family about Human Trafficking and signs of it. (for a review of the signs of Human Trafficking click here).

Here are some tools also that might be helpful in spreading the word. Print up these posters, ask the manager put them in the stores that you frequent during break, gas stations, the gym you go to, ect.

Hope your Summers are restful and productive and a time where the Kingdom is forcefully advancing.


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